
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lessons learned. - DIY if buying from Pertama.

It's the time of the year that I thought to myself, "My phone is boring".

I see new models, new design of mobile phone in the market (except for the iPhone, which Ithink is still revolutionary) thats cheaper and easy to get.

But then I look again at my phone, the Nokia N95 8GB which I bought more than a year ago, and thought to myself; this phone is still alright. Still function perfectly and still is a technologically advance mobile phone.

But it's still boring.

So, I went to the pit-hole of the con known as Pertama Kompleks to change the phones housing.
Just to make it feel like new.
The original housing has worn out that looking at it is like looking at a dismembered family member. You love them, but they still look hidious.

The housing they provided seems good enough. It looks almost original.......-ish.

Being Pertama, lo and behold, the messed up the installation.
Oh, a tip when buying anything from that pit-hole ; CHECK YOUR PURCHASES!
Good thing I did before I left the shop.
The mic on the phone stopped working when I tried calling me wife, so I complaint.
Good thing that the shop I went to is responsible enough to rectify the problem FOC.

But the workmanship done to the housing is still very, very poor.
Your dismembered family member might got a new face-job, but it feels different especially if he blinks with only one eye.

So, the moral of the story is;
If you are buying accessories at Pertama, you either assemble them youself, or get your friend(s) to do it for you.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

FineMolds 1/72nd Scale Star Wars X-Wing Fighter

This is the continuation from my previous entry here.
I couldn't finish earlier 'cause I only manage to work on the kit only on weekends.

Intended to build Red 5, but ended up building Red 2. All because I didn't see the diagrham properly.
The kit also includes a tiny astro droid, but I didn't bother assembling 'cause I was concetrating more on the X-wing.

Friday, December 11, 2009


There's the 'Ultimate Collection Edition' which consist of 3 disc set & movie goodies, and there's the normal one 50GB blu-ray disc. Mine is the latter.
I didn't choose the collection edition 'cause, well, I don't like the goodies.

Check out here for more on the blu-ray review.

Oh, did I mention that I bought this at only USD19.00/RM50.00?
A steal I tell yah!!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

To boldly POSTO! where no man has POSTO! before. POSTO! arrived today.

This time its the Star Trek (2009) blu-ray.
Consist of 3 disc plus a digital copy.
I purchased this wonderful 3 disc blu-ray for only RM100.00! Its a steal!!
Normal 01 nos. disc blu-ray retails here in M'sia is around RM110 to RM160.
The only offset is that you have to wait 3 weeks for the shipping.